Dear OrthPhoto users - photographers and visitors of OrthPhoto.
As you probably know our website is managed by a team of volunteers who dedicate their free time to organizing this space for sharing orthodox photos and presenting the beauty of Orthodox worship, our churches, our icons, our people, all Orthodoxy stands for.

The site was created in 2004 and from the very beginning we have been trying to develop it as much as we can and as much as our limited resources allow us. We know that your expectations are growing and we are trying to be able to respond to all your needs. But this is very difficult for such a small team of volunteers. We know that we need changes in organization of our work and we hope that you will help us to achieve our goals.

Your active participation in all kinds of work is more than welcome. Everything that was done on site was possible only because some users have volunteered to work a little bit for orthphoto. Having so many language versions, organizing exhibitions and competitions was possible only thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers. So if you have any ideas to implement on orthphoto do not hesitate to share them with us. If you feel that you can be helpful in any way, for example in developing some ideas mentioned above, please, contact us and we will find a task for you. Maybe you work in a place where we can ask for support? Please, write to us and explain what we can do together in order to help orthphoto develop. If you know any possibility for us to apply for a grant, or you are familiar with any sponsor we can turn to _, please, inform us. If you want to help us with fundraising, please contact us via e-mail. Any help is welcome.

We are waiting for your active participation in life of orthphoto. If you want to use some of your time to help us in development we would like to invite you to join editorial team. You can help with existing projects or suggest new areas of activity.

We believe that amongst you there is a big potential which can be used for the good of orthphoto so we want to encourage you to help us in the following things:

Although we already have over 1300 visitors per day from over 100 countries, orthphoto is still quite unknown in the orthodox world. The biggest audience comes from Poland – the country where our site was created and where we have good channels for promotion. We had many articles about orthphoto in newspapers, on websites and we were present in TV shows. Orthoto posters were on dashboards in every orthodox parish. We have prepared for you a set of materials which can be used to promote the site in different ways. If you need something else, please, let us know and we will try to prepare it for you.
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To exist and develop new ideas we also need also so we want to ask you for help. If you can donate some money to our account, please, do so. Even the smallest amounts mean a lot to us.
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Sponsoring & banners
Another way of support is to help us find sponsors who would be interested in donations. In return, we can promote their organizations and companies among our users. Maybe you know some companies or you work in companies which might be interested in becoming orthphoto’s sponsors for next year (or, possibly, just support some of our activities). If you can help us in contacting departments responsible for such things we would be interested in cooperation. Another way of supporting us is buying space for commercial banners which we can add on our pages. You want to suggest some other forms of cooperation - we are open to any ideas.
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With your support we hope that we will be able to:
  • further develop our site and finish beta version (this means many new options like: adding photos to favourites, creating new look of orthphoto, improving the voting system, adding google maps, different photo rights etc.);
  • organize: 1 exhibition, 1 workshop with exhibition, print calendar and maybe 2 albums (one for workshop and one for exhibition);
  • organize database with High Resolution photos available for use by church media (web pages, newspapers, printing houses) so that your photos could reach not only users of the internet;
  • have available subdomain for you ([name] - with email [name]
  • do extra actions which can help our churches or local orthodox organizations (like promoting events, mission activities etc.);
  • develop new ideas and help in development of our users;
  • write grants for projects;
  • open local branches of orthphoto;
  • and explore many other options depending on our ideas and creativity;
The progress of our action and the amount of money still needed to achieve our goals will be visible on the banner promoting this action.

Please help OrthPhoto to continue to exist as an Orthodox Photo website and to develop various options for the Orthodox Church!!!
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